Section 06.26.100. Department notices regarding application..  

Latest version.
  •    (a) The department shall notify the organizers of a proposed trust company when the application under AS 06.26.090 is complete and accepted for filing and all required fees and deposits have been paid. Promptly after notification, the organizers shall publish in a form specified by the department notice of the filing of the application in a newspaper of general circulation published in the community proposed as the trust company's principal place of business. If a newspaper of general circulation is not published in the community, the organizers shall publish the notice in a newspaper of general circulation near the community. The department may require the organizers to publish the notice at other locations reasonably necessary to solicit the views of potentially affected persons. The notice must include a solicitation of comments and protests.
       (b) To prove that the publication required by (a) of this section has been accomplished, the organizers shall file with the department an affidavit of publication from the newspaper in which the notice was published.


6.26.090; 6.26.840


Implemented As

3 AAC 04.130

3 AAC 04.130
AS 6.26.090 .090">Sec. 06.26.090. Application for certificate of authority.
AS 6.26.840 .840">Sec. 06.26.840. Conditions for approval.

(Sec. 2 ch 77 SLA 2002)