Section 08.01.020. Board organization.  

Latest version.
  • Board members are appointed by the governor and serve at the pleasure of the governor.  Unless otherwise provided, the governor may designate the chair of a board, and all other officers shall be elected by the board members. Unless otherwise provided, officers of a board are the chair and the secretary. A board may provide by regulation that three or more unexcused absences from meetings are cause for removal.


8.62.020; 8.64.040; 8.68.050; 8.71.045; 8.72.025; 8.86.025; 8.98.025


Implemented As

12 AAC 36.910
12 AAC 62.960
12 AAC 64.970
12 AAC 68.920

AS 8.62.020 .020">Sec. 08.62.020. Appointment and term of office.
AS 8.64.040 .64.040">Sec. 08.64.040. Removal of members. [Repealed, Sec. 49 ch 94 SLA 1987. For
AS 8.68.050 .68.050">Sec. 08.68.050. Removal of board members. [Repealed, Sec. 49 ch 94 SLA 1987.
AS 8.71.045 .71.045">Sec. 08.71.045. Removal of board members. [Repealed, Sec. 49 ch 94 SLA 1987.
AS 8.72.025 .72.025">Sec. 08.72.025. Removal of board members. [Repealed, Sec. 49 ch 94 SLA 1987.
AS 8.86.025 .86.025">Sec. 08.86.025. Removal of board members. [Repealed, Sec. 49 ch 94 SLA 1987.
AS 8.98.025 .98.025">Sec. 08.98.025. Removal of board members. [Repealed, Sec. 49 ch 94 SLA 1987.

(Sec. 1 ch 59 SLA 1966; am Sec. 2 ch 94 SLA 1987)
