Section 08.64.380. Definitions.

Latest version.
  • In this chapter,
            (1) "board" means the State Medical Board;
            (2) "department" means the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development;
            (3) "emergency lifesaving service" means medical assistance given to a person whose physical condition, in the opinion of a reasonably prudent person, is such that the person's life is endangered;
            (4) "mobile intensive care paramedic" means an individual licensed by the board who has successfully completed a paramedic training program certified under AS 18.08 and is authorized by law to provide advanced life support under the direct or indirect supervision of a physician;
            (5) "practice of medicine" or "practice of osteopathy" means:
                 (A) for a fee, donation or other consideration, to diagnose, treat, operate on, prescribe for, or administer to, any human ailment, blemish, deformity, disease, disfigurement, disorder, injury, or other mental or physical condition; or to attempt to perform or represent that a person is authorized to perform any of the acts set out in this subparagraph;
                 (B) to use or publicly display a title in connection with a person's name including "doctor of medicine," "physician," "M.D.," or "doctor of osteopathic medicine" or "D.O." or a specialist designation including "surgeon," "dermatologist," or a similar title in such a manner as to show that the person is willing or qualified to diagnose or treat the sick or injured;
            (6) "practice of podiatry" means the medical, mechanical, and surgical treatment of ailments of the foot, the muscles and tendons of the leg governing the functions of the foot, and superficial lesions of the hand other than those associated with trauma; the use of preparations, medicines, and drugs as are necessary for the treatment of these ailments; the treatment of the local manifestations of systemic diseases as they appear in the hand and foot, except that
                 (A) a patient shall be concurrently referred to a physician or osteopath for the treatment of the systemic disease itself;
                 (B) general anaesthetics may be used only in colleges of podiatry approved by the State Medical Board and in hospitals approved by the joint commission on the accreditation of hospitals, or the American Osteopathic Association; and
                 (C) the use of X-ray or radium for therapeutic purposes is not permitted.




Recent Bills that will modify this

Implemented As

12 AAC 40.352
12 AAC 40.975
12 AAC 40.985

12 AAC 40.400
12 AAC 40.985
12 AAC 40.990
7 AAC 26.999
AS 8.02.010 .010">Sec. 08.02.010. Professional designation requirements.

(Sec. 35-3-88, 35-3-94 ACLA 1949; am Sec. 27 ch 77 SLA 1969; am Sec. 3 ch 103 SLA 1970; am Sec. 25 - 27 ch 148 SLA 1970; am Sec. 9 ch 32 SLA 1971; am Sec. 1 ch 117 SLA 1971; am Sec. 4 ch 85 SLA 1972; am Sec. 4 ch 21 SLA 1974; am Sec. 12, 13 ch 101 SLA 1974; am Sec. 1 ch 127 SLA 1975; am Sec. 4 ch 24 SLA 1976; am Sec. 27 - 29, 41 ch 177 SLA 1978; am Sec. 6 ch 45 SLA 1982; am Sec. 18, 19 ch 48 SLA 1983; am Sec. 2 ch 33 SLA 1985; am Sec. 15 ch 6 SLA 1990; am Sec. 26 ch 126 SLA 1990; am Sec. 21 ch 6 SLA 1993; am Sec. 6 ch 36 SLA 1993)