Section 09.25.300. Claiming of privilege by public official or reporter.  

Latest version.
  • Except as provided in AS 09.25.300 - 09.25.390, a public official or reporter may not be compelled to disclose the source of information procured or obtained while acting in the course of duties as a public official or reporter.


9.25.150; 9.25.300; 9.25.330; 9.25.340; 9.25.350; 9.25.360;09.25.300; 9.25.390



AS 9.25.150 .25.150">Sec. 09.25.150.
AS 9.25.300 .300">Sec. 09.25.300. Claiming of privilege by public official or reporter.
AS 9.25.330 .330">Sec. 09.25.330. Order subject to review.
AS 9.25.340 .340">Sec. 09.25.340. Extent of privilege.
AS 9.25.350 .350">Sec. 09.25.350. Application of privilege in other courts.
AS 9.25.360 .360">Sec. 09.25.360.
AS 9.25.360 .360">Sec. 09.25.360. AS 09.25.300 - 09.25.390 do not abridge other privileges.
AS 9.25.390 .390">Sec. 09.25.390.
AS 9.25.390 .390">Sec. 09.25.390. Definitions for AS 09.25.300 - 09.25.390.

(Sec. 1 ch 115 SLA 1967)