Section 10.06.808. Contents of biennial report.  

Latest version.
  • A biennial report must set out
            (1) the name of the corporation and the state or country where it is incorporated;
            (2) the address of the registered office of the corporation in this state, and the name of its registered agent in this state at that address, and, in the case of a foreign corporation, the address of its principal office in the state or country where it is incorporated;
            (3) a brief statement of the character of the business in which the corporation is engaged in this state and the codes from the identification code established under AS 10.06.870 that most closely describe the activities in which the corporation is engaged in this state;
            (4) the names and addresses of the directors and officers of the corporation;
            (5) a statement of the aggregate number of shares that the corporation has authority to issue, itemized by classes, par value of shares, shares without par value, and series, if any, within a class;
            (6) a statement of the aggregate number of issued shares itemized by classes, par value of shares, shares without par value, and series, if any, within a class;
            (7) the name and address of each alien affiliate, the percentage of outstanding shares controlled by each alien affiliate, and a specific description of the nature of the relationship between the corporation and its alien affiliates, or that there is no alien affiliate;
            (8) the name and address of each person owning at least five percent of the shares, or five percent of any class of shares as of September 30 of the second year of the biennial reporting period, and the percentage of the shares or class of shares owned by that person.


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(Sec. 1 ch 166 SLA 1988)