Section 10.15.215. Permitted purposes of cooperative contracts with members.  

Latest version.
  • Contracts for any of the following purposes, whether contained in the bylaws or separately written, are valid when made between a cooperative and a member in which the member agrees to
            (1) sell, market or deliver to or through the cooperative or facilities furnished by it all or a specified part of products produced by the member or under the control of the member;
            (2) authorize the cooperative or facilities furnished by it to act for the member in any manner with respect to all or a specified part of products produced by the member or under the control of the member;
            (3) buy or procure from or through the cooperative or facilities furnished by it all or a specified part of goods or services to be bought or produced by the member;
            (4) authorize the cooperative or facilities furnished by it to act for the member in any manner in the procurement of goods or the procurement of performance of services.





AS 10.15.220 Liquidated damages clause in cooperative contracts.

(Sec. 29(1) ch 107 SLA 1959)