Article 13.26.02. GUARDIANS OF MINORS.  

Section 13.26.101. Status of guardian of minor; general.
Section 13.26.105. - 13.26.109. [Renumbered as AS 13.26.221, 13.26.226, 13.26.231, 13.26.236, and 13.26.241].
Section 13.26.110. Findings; order of appointment. [Repealed, Sec. 21 ch 83 SLA 1981. For current law see AS 13.26.266].
Section 13.26.111. [Renumbered as AS 13.26.246].
Section 13.26.112. Appointment of a guardian ad litem. [Repealed, Sec. 31 ch 84 SLA 2004. For current law see AS 13.26.041].
Section 13.26.113. - 13.26.120. [Renumbered as AS 13.26.251, 13.26.256, 13.26.261, 13.26.266, 13.26.271, 13.26.276, and 13.26.281].
Section 13.26.121. Testamentary appointment of guardian of minor.
Section 13.26.125. [Renumbered as AS 13.26.286].
Section 13.26.126. Objection by minor of 14 or older to testamentary appointment.
Section 13.26.130. Visitor in guardianship proceeding. [Repealed, Sec. 21 ch 83 SLA 1981. For current law see AS 13.26.226 and 13.26.236].
Section 13.26.131. [Renumbered as AS 13.26.291].
Section 13.26.132. Court appointment of guardian of minor; conditions for appointment.
Section 13.26.135. [Renumbered as AS 13.26.296].
Section 13.26.137. Venue for proceedings.
Section 13.26.140. , 13.26.141. [Renumbered as AS 13.26.301 and 13.26.306].
Section 13.26.143. Court appointment of guardian of minor; qualifications; priority of minor's nominee and adult family member.
Section 13.26.145. [Renumbered as AS 13.26.311].
Section 13.26.147. Court appointment of guardian of minor; procedure.
Section 13.26.150. [Renumbered as AS 13.26.316].
Section 13.26.153. Subsidized guardianship; procedure.
Section 13.26.155. Proceedings subsequent to appointment; venue. [Repealed, Sec. 31 ch 53 SLA 2008].
Section 13.26.157. Guardianship after voluntary relinquishment; procedure.
Section 13.26.162. Consent to service by acceptance of appointment; notice; letters of guardianship requirement.
Section 13.26.165. [Renumbered as AS 13.26.401].
Section 13.26.167. Powers and duties of guardian of minor.
Section 13.26.170. [Renumbered as AS 13.26.406].
Section 13.26.171. Termination of appointment of guardian; general.
Section 13.26.175. , 13.26.180. [Renumbered as AS 13.26.411 and 13.26.415].
Section 13.26.181. Proceedings subsequent to appointment; venue.
Section 13.26.185. [Renumbered as AS 13.26.420].
Section 13.26.186. Resignation or removal proceedings; appointment of attorney for minor.
Section 13.26.190. - 13.26.200. [Renumbered as AS 13.26.425 - 13.26.435].