Section 14.40.491. Definition of university receipts.  

Latest version.
  • In AS 14.40.120 - 14.40.491, "university receipts" includes
            (1) student fees, including tuition;
            (2) receipts from university auxiliary services;
            (3) recovery of indirect costs of university activities;
            (4) receipts from sales and rentals of university property;
            (5) federal receipts;
            (6) gifts, grants, and contracts;
            (7) receipts from sales, rentals, and the provision of services of educational activities; and
            (8) receipts attributable to amounts distributed from university endowments established and managed under AS 14.40.280 and from the endowment trust fund established and managed under AS 14.40.400.





AS 14.40.040 General powers and duties of the university.
AS 14.40.490
AS 36.30.085 Lease-purchase agreements.
AS 37.05.146 Definition of program receipts and non-general fund program receipts.
AS 37.25.010 Unexpended balances of one-year appropriations.

(Sec. 23 ch 138 SLA 1986; Sec. 7 ch 143 SLA 1986; am Sec. 11 ch 9 SLA 1997)