Section 14.42.030. Functions, duties, and powers of the commission.  

Latest version.
  •    (a) The commission has the following functions, advisory to the governing boards of institutions of public and private higher education in this state, to the governor, the legislature, and to other appropriate state and federal officials:
            (1) coordinate the development of comprehensive plans for the orderly, systematic growth of public and private postsecondary education, including community colleges and occupational education, in the state and submit recommendations on the need for, and location of, new facilities and programs;
            (2) review and advise as to the efficiency and effectiveness of all consortia and other cooperative agreements between the institutions of public and private higher education in the state that are parties to them.
       (b) The commission shall
            (1) administer the financial aid and interstate education compact programs under AS 14.43.091 - 14.43.920 and 14.43.990, and AS 14.44;
            (2) administer the provisions of AS 14.48 concerning regulation of postsecondary educational institutions;
            (3) resolve disputes under a consortium or other cooperative agreement between institutions of public and private higher education in the state; and
            (4) serve as the state agency required under 20 U.S.C. 1001 - 1155.
       (c) [Repealed, Sec. 42 ch 85 SLA 2001].
       (d) [Renumbered as AS 14.42.033].
       (e) The commission may
            (1) adopt regulations under AS 44.62 (Administrative Procedure Act) to
                 (A) carry out the purposes of
                      (i) AS 14.43.091 - 14.43.849, 14.43.990, AS 14.44, and AS 14.48; and
                      (ii) AS 14.43.910 and 14.43.920 as they relate to the purposes of AS 14.43.091 - 14.43.849, 14.43.990, AS 14.44, and AS 14.48;
                 (B) ensure compliance with the requirements imposed by state and federal statutes and regulations governing the guaranty, insurance, purchase, or other dealings in eligible loans by federal agencies, instrumentalities, or corporations; and
                 (C) establish standards for the
                      (i) administration of hearings conducted under AS 14.43.153; and
                      (ii) administrative enforcement of collection orders under AS 14.43.151 - 14.43.155;
            (2) delegate to the executive director of the commission or a subcommittee of the commission any duty imposed on or power granted to the commission by this chapter, AS 14.43, AS 14.44, or AS 14.48, except its power to adopt regulations and its duty to consider appeals under AS 14.43.100(b) and AS 14.48.120;
            (3) establish task forces, committees, or subcommittees, not necessarily consisting of commission members, to advise and assist the commission in carrying out its functions;
            (4) contract with or use existing institutions of postsecondary education or other individuals or organizations to make studies, conduct surveys, submit recommendations, or otherwise contribute to the work of the commission;
            (5) establish fees for the review of an out-of-state institution that
                 (A) requests approval for participation in the programs under AS 14.43.091 - 14.43.750, 14.43.990, and AS 14.44; and
                 (B) is not accredited by a national or regional accreditation association recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation;
            (6) collect all fees and costs incurred in collection of the amount owed on a loan or repayment obligation if the loan or repayment obligation becomes delinquent or in default; in this paragraph, fees and costs include attorney fees, court costs, and collection fees charged by a collection agency; and
            (7) if approved by the department, receive and analyze performance data for students in grades kindergarten through 12 and enter into contracts for the purpose of assessing education outcomes.




Recent Bills that will modify this

Implemented As

20 AAC 15.010
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20 AAC 19.090
20 AAC 19.900

AS 14.40.909
AS 14.42.055 Consortia.
AS 14.42.200 General powers.

(Sec. 4 ch 78 SLA 1974; am Sec. 2 ch 25 SLA 1976; am Sec. 24 ch 14 SLA 1987; am Sec. 1 ch 15 SLA 1987; am Sec. 1 ch 43 SLA 1991; am Sec. 35 ch 126 SLA 1994; am Sec. 1 ch 54 SLA 1998; am Sec. 1 ch 23 SLA 1999; am Sec. 2 - 4, 42 ch 85 SLA 2001; am Sec. 1 ch 63 SLA 2004; am Sec. 1 ch 5 SLA 2007; am Sec. 2 ch 14 SLA 2010; am Sec. 3 ch 89 SLA 2014)