Section 15.13.020. Alaska Public Offices Commission.  

Latest version.
  •    (a) There is created in the Department of Administration the Alaska Public Offices Commission consisting of five members. The governor shall appoint all members of the commission in the manner prescribed in (b) and (c) of this section, subject to confirmation by a majority of the legislature meeting in joint session.
       (b) The governor shall appoint two members of each of the two political parties whose candidate for governor received the highest number of votes in the most recent preceding general election at which a governor was elected. The two appointees from each of these two parties shall be chosen from a list of four names to be submitted by the central committee of each party.
       (c) The four members selected under (b) of this section shall, by a majority vote, nominate to the governor an individual to serve as the fifth member of the commission. The governor shall either appoint the nominee to the commission, or shall reject the nominee and request those four members to nominate another individual to serve as the fifth member of the commission.
       (d) Members of the commission serve staggered terms of five years, or until a successor is appointed and qualifies. The terms of no two members who are members of the same political party may expire in consecutive years. A member may not serve more than one term. However, a person appointed to fill the unexpired term of a predecessor may be appointed to a successive full five-year term.
       (e) A member of the commission, during tenure, may not
            (1) hold or campaign for elective office;
            (2) be an officer of a political party, political committee, or group;
            (3) permit the member's name to be used, or make any contributions whatsoever, in support of or in opposition to a candidate or proposition or question that appears on any ballot in the state including but not limited to that of a municipality; however, contributions may be made to a candidate for the office of President of the United States;
            (4) participate in any way in an election campaign or participate in or contribute to any political party; or
            (5) lobby, employ or assist a lobbyist.
       (f) Members of the commission shall receive compensation of $50 a day while attending commission meetings and shall be entitled to travel expenses and per diem authorized by law for members of other boards and commissions.
       (g) The members shall elect a chairperson. Three members of the commission constitute a quorum. A vacancy does not impair the powers of the remaining members to exercise all of the powers of the commission.
       (h) A vacancy on the commission shall be filled through the appropriate appointing method for the position within 30 days after the occurrence of the vacancy. Except as provided in AS 39.05.080(4), the appointee shall serve for the remaining term of the appointee's predecessor.
       (i) The commission may employ an executive director and other employees it considers necessary. Neither the executive director nor an employee may have a vote.
       (j) The commission shall establish an office, which may be called a regional office, in each senate district in the state to keep on file for public inspection copies of all reports filed with the commission by candidates for statewide office and by candidates for legislative office in that district; however, where one municipality contains more than one house district, only one commission office shall be established in that municipality. The regional office shall make all forms and pertinent material available to candidates. All reports shall be filed by candidates, groups, and individuals directly with the commission's central district office. The commission shall ensure that copies of all reports by statewide and legislative candidates in each senate district are forwarded promptly to that district or regional office.
       (k) The commission shall ensure that copies of reports filed by candidates for municipal office are made available for public inspection in the appropriate municipality.




Recent Bills that will modify this

Implemented As

2 AAC 50.801

2 AAC 50.990
AS 24.45.021 Administration.
AS 24.45.091 Publication of reports.
AS 39.50.050 Administration and inspection.
AS 39.50.200 Definitions.

(Sec. 1 ch 76 SLA 1974; am Sec. 23 ch 25 SLA 1975; am Sec. 3 - 10 ch 189 SLA 1975; am E.O. No. 41 Sec. 2 (1980); am Sec. 24 ch 85 SLA 1988; am Sec. 1 - 3 ch 14 SLA 1989; am Sec. 7 ch 80 SLA 1996; am Sec. 38 ch 21 SLA 2000)