Article 15.20.01. ABSENTEE VOTING.  

Section 15.20.010. Persons who may vote absentee.
Section 15.20.015. Moving from house district just before election.
Section 15.20.020. Provision for general administrative supervision.
Section 15.20.030. Preparation of ballots, envelopes, and other material.
Section 15.20.040. Distribution of ballots, envelopes, and other material.
Section 15.20.045. Designation of absentee voting officials and stations.
Section 15.20.048. Absentee voting in offices of election supervisors. [Repealed, Sec. 61 ch 2 FSSLA 2005].
Section 15.20.050. Requirement of full public notice.
Section 15.20.060. Application in person or by a representative. [Repealed, Sec. 231 ch 100 SLA 1980. For current law, see AS 15.20.061 and 15.20.062].
Section 15.20.061. Absentee voting in person.
Section 15.20.062. Applications for ballot by personal representative. [Repealed, Sec. 231 ch 100 SLA 1980. For current law, see AS 15.20.061 and 15.20.081].
Section 15.20.064. Early voting.
Section 15.20.065. Applications for ballot by personal representative. [Repealed, Sec. 231 ch 100 SLA 1980. For current law, see AS 15.20.061 and 15.20.081].
Section 15.20.066. Absentee voting by electronic transmission.
Section 15.20.070. Application for ballot by mail. [Repealed, Sec. 231 ch 100 SLA 1980. For current law, see AS 15.20.081].
Section 15.20.071. Absentee voting by personal representative. [Repealed, Sec. 93 ch 82 SLA 2000].
Section 15.20.072. Special needs voting.
Section 15.20.080. Date for application in person. [Repealed, Sec. 231 ch 100 SLA 1980. For current law, see AS 15.20.061].
Section 15.20.081. Absentee voting in general; applying for absentee ballot by mail or electronic transmission.
Section 15.20.082. Absentee voting by mail from outside the United States or in a remote area; special absentee ballots. [Repealed, Sec. 44 ch 73 SLA 2013].
Section 15.20.160. Fee prohibited.
Section 15.20.170. Disposition of ballots.
Section 15.20.180. Names of absentee voters to be made available.
Section 15.20.190. Appointment, duties, and compensation of district counting boards.
Section 15.20.200. Time of district canvass and for counting absentee ballots. [Repealed, Sec. 231 ch 100 SLA 1980. For current law, see AS 15.20.201].
Section 15.20.201. Time of district absentee ballot counting review.
Section 15.20.203. Procedure for district absentee ballot counting review.
Section 15.20.205. Time of district questioned ballot counting review.
Section 15.20.207. Procedure for district questioned ballot review.
Section 15.20.210. Procedure for district canvass. [Repealed, Sec. 231 ch 100 SLA 1980. For current law, see AS 15.20.203].
Section 15.20.211. Counting cross-district and certain write-in votes.
Section 15.20.220. Procedure for state review.
Section 15.20.225. Definition of "state election".
Section 15.20.090. - 15.20.150. Dates for and procedure on applications; casting votes. [Repealed, Sec. 231 ch 100 SLA 1980].
Section 15.20.230. - 15.20.420. Voting machines. [Repealed, Sec. 231 ch 100 SLA 1980].