Section 15.25.030. Declaration of candidacy.  

Latest version.
  •    (a) A member of a political party who seeks to become a candidate of the party in the primary election shall execute and file a declaration of candidacy. The declaration shall be executed under oath before an officer authorized to take acknowledgments and must state in substance
            (1) the full name of the candidate;
            (2) the full mailing address of the candidate;
            (3) if the candidacy is for the office of state senator or state representative, the house or senate district of which the candidate is a resident;
            (4) the office for which the candidate seeks nomination;
            (5) the name of the political party of which the person is a candidate for nomination;
            (6) the full residence address of the candidate, and the date on which residency at that address began;
            (7) the date of the primary election at which the candidate seeks nomination;
            (8) the length of residency in the state and in the district of the candidate;
            (9) that the candidate will meet the specific citizenship requirements of the office for which the person is a candidate;
            (10) that the candidate is a qualified voter as required by law;
            (11) that the candidate will meet the specific age requirements of the office for which the person is a candidate; if the candidacy is for the office of state representative, that the candidate will be at least 21 years of age on the first scheduled day of the first regular session of the legislature convened after the election; if the candidacy is for the office of state senator, that the candidate will be at least 25 years of age on the first scheduled day of the first regular session of the legislature convened after the election; if the candidacy is for the office of governor or lieutenant governor, that the candidate will be at least 30 years of age on the first Monday in December following election or, if the office is to be filled by special election under AS 15.40.230 - 15.40.310, that the candidate will be at least 30 years of age on the date of certification of the results of the special election; or, for any other office, by the time that the candidate, if elected, is sworn into office;
            (12) that the candidate requests that the candidate's name be placed on the primary election ballot;
            (13) that the required fee accompanies the declaration;
            (14) that the person is not a candidate for any other office to be voted on at the primary or general election and that the person is not a candidate for this office under any other declaration of candidacy or nominating petition;
            (15) the manner in which the candidate wishes the candidate's name to appear on the ballot; and
            (16) that the candidate is registered to vote as a member of the political party whose nomination is being sought.
       (b) A person filing a declaration of candidacy under this section, other than a person subject to AS 24.60 who is filing a declaration for a state legislative office, shall simultaneously file with the director a statement of income sources and business interests that complies with the requirements of AS 39.50. A person who is subject to AS 24.60 and is filing a declaration of candidacy for state legislative office shall simultaneously file with the director a disclosure statement that complies with the requirements of AS 24.60.200.
       (c) An incumbent public official, other than a legislator, who has a current statement of income sources and business interests under AS 39.50 on file with the Alaska Public Offices Commission, or an incumbent legislator who has a current disclosure statement under AS 24.60.200 on file with the Alaska Public Offices Commission, is not required to file a statement of income sources and business interests or a disclosure statement with the declaration of candidacy under (b) of this section.




Recent Bills that will modify this

Implemented As

6 AAC 25.260
6 AAC 27.037

6 AAC 25.690
AS 15.25.040 Manner and date of filing declaration.
AS 15.58.030 Material to be filed by candidate.
AS 39.50.020 Report of financial and business interests.

(Sec. 5.03 ch 83 SLA 1960; am Sec. 16 ch 125 SLA 1962; am Sec. 1 ch 53 SLA 1966; am Sec. 3 ch 1 SLA 1967; am Sec. 35 ch 116 SLA 1972; am Sec. 3 ch 133 SLA 1977; am Sec. 126 ch 100 SLA 1980; am Sec. 34 ch 50 SLA 1989; am Sec. 15, 16 ch 67 SLA 1989; am Sec. 32, 33 ch 127 SLA 1992; am Sec. 51 ch 21 SLA 2000; am Sec. 24 ch 2 FSSLA 2005)