Section 16.05.340. License, permit, and tag fees; surcharge; miscellaneous permits to take fish and game.  

Latest version.
  •    (a) Fees for licenses, permits, and tags are as follows: 

    (1)      See delayed amendment note.      Resident sport fishing
    license............................................................ $20
    However, the fee is 50 cents for a resident who is blind.
    (2)      See delayed amendment note.      Resident hunting license ...... 35
    (3)      See delayed amendment note.      Resident hunting and trapping
    license ............................................................ 55
    (4)      See delayed amendment note.      Resident trapping license ..... 25
    (5)      See delayed amendment note.      Resident hunting and sport fishing
    license ......................................................... 50
    (6)      See delayed amendment note.      Resident hunting, trapping, and
    sport fishing license ............................................. 75;
    (A) however, the fee is $5 for an applicant who has an annual
    family or household income equal to or less than the most recent
    poverty guidelines for the state set by the United States Department of
    Health and Human Services for the year preceding application;
    (B) a person paying $5 for a resident hunting, trapping, and sport
    fishing license must provide proof of eligibility under this paragraph
    when requested by the department.
    (7)      See delayed amendment note.      Nonresident sport fishing license
    - valid for the period inscribed on the license
    (A) For 14-day license ......................................... 75
    (B) For seven-day license ...................................... 45
    (C) For three-day license ...................................... 30
    (D) For one-day license ........................................ 15
    (8) Nonresident annual sport fishing license ................... 100
    (9)      See delayed amendment note.      Nonresident hunting license . 130

            (10) [Repealed, Sec. 10 ch 74 SLA 1997].

    (11)      See delayed amendment note.      Nonresident hunting and trapping
    license ........................................................ 375
    (12) Fur dealers
    (A) Resident fur dealer biennial license ...................... 150
    (B) Nonresident fur dealer biennial license ................... 500
    (13) Taxidermists
    (A) Resident taxidermy biennial license ....................... 200
    (B) Nonresident taxidermy biennial license .................... 500
    (14) Aquatic farming triennial license ......................... 400
    (15)      See delayed amendment note.      Nonresident big game tags
    A nonresident may not take a big game animal without previously
    purchasing a numbered, nontransferable, appropriate tag, issued under
    this paragraph. The tag must be affixed to the animal before leaving
    the kill site and must remain affixed until the animal is prepared for
    storage, consumed, or exported. A tag issued but not used for an animal
    may be used to satisfy the tagging requirement for an animal of any
    other species for which the tag fee is of equal or less value.
    (A) Bear, black, each ......................................... 450
    (B) Bear, brown or grizzly, each ............................ 1,000
    (C) Bison, each ............................................... 900
    (D) Caribou, each ............................................. 650
    (E) Deer, each ................................................ 300
    (F) Elk, each ................................................. 600
    (G) Goat, each ................................................ 600
    (H) Moose, each ............................................... 800
    (I) Sheep, each ............................................... 850
    (J) Wolf, each ................................................. 60
    A nonresident is not required to have a nonresident wolf tag to
    take a wolf in a game management unit if the Board of Game has adopted
    an intensive management program under AS 16.05.255(e) for all or a
    portion of the game management unit.
    (K) Wolverine, each ........................................... 350
    (L) Musk oxen, each ......................................... 2,200
    (16) Resident big game tags
    (A) Bear, brown or grizzly, each ............................... 25
    The Board of Game may, by regulation effective for not more than
    one year, eliminate the resident brown or grizzly bear tag and fee for
    all or a portion of a game management unit.
    (B) Musk oxen, each ........................................... 500
    However, the Board of Game may by regulation reduce or eliminate
    the resident big game tag and fee for musk oxen for all or a portion of
    a game management unit.
    (17)      See delayed amendment note.      Waterfowl conservation tag .. 10

                 (A) A person may not engage in waterfowl hunting without having the current year's waterfowl tag in the person's actual possession, unless that person
                      (i) qualifies for a $5 license fee under (6) of this subsection;
                      (ii) is a resident under 18 years of age;
                      (iii) is 60 years of age or older and is a resident;
                      (iv) is a disabled veteran eligible for a free license under AS 16.05.341.
                 (B) The Board of Game shall by regulation exempt the requirement of a waterfowl conservation tag for waterfowl hunting in areas of the state not likely to benefit from programs described in AS 16.05.130(b)(2) - (4).
            (18) Game farming

    (A) Game mammal or game reptile farming biennial license ...... 250
    (B) Game bird farming biennial license ......................... 50
    (19)      See delayed amendment note.      Nonresident small game hunting
    license ......................................................... 30
    (20)      See delayed amendment note.      Nonresident alien hunting
    license .................................................. 600
    A nonresident alien may not take a big game animal without previously purchasing a numbered, nontransferable, appropriate tag, issued under (21) of this subsection. The tag must be affixed to the animal before leaving the kill site and must remain affixed until the animal is prepared for storage, consumed, or exported. A tag issued but not used for an animal may be used to satisfy the tagging requirement for an animal of any other species for which the tag fee is of equal or less value.
            (21) [See delayed amendment note]. =ro Nonresident alien big game tags

    (A) Bear, black, each ......................................... 600
    (B) Bear, brown or grizzly, each ............................ 1,300
    (C) Bison, each ............................................. 1,300
    (D) Caribou, each ............................................. 850
    (E) Deer, each ................................................ 400
    (F) Elk, each ................................................. 800
    (G) Goat, each ................................................ 800
    (H) Moose, each ............................................. 1,000
    (I) Musk oxen, each ......................................... 3,000
    (J) Sheep, each ............................................. 1,100
    (K) Wolf, each ................................................ 100
    A nonresident alien is not required to have a nonresident alien
    wolf tag to take a wolf in a game management unit if the Board of Game
    has adopted an intensive management program under AS 16.05.255(e) for
    all or a portion of the game management unit.
    (L) Wolverine, each ........................................... 500
    (22)      See delayed amendment note.      Chitina dip net fishing
    permit ............................................................ $15
    The members of the family of a person who has obtained a Chitina
    dip net fishing permit are not required to have a Chitina dip net
    fishing permit while they are engaged in dip net fishing at Chitina if
    they are engaged in fishing in the presence of the person and the
    person has the Chitina dip net fishing permit in the person's physical
    possession. In this paragraph, 'family' means persons who are related
    by blood, marriage, or adoption and who live in the same household on
    a permanent basis.
    (23)      See delayed amendment note.      Resident anadromous king salmon
    tag ........................................................ 10
    A resident may not engage in sport fishing for anadromous king salmon without having the current year's anadromous king salmon tag in the resident's actual possession, unless that person
                 (A) qualifies for a 50 cent license fee under (1) of this subsection;
                 (B) is under 18 years of age;
                 (C) is 60 years of age or older and has been a resident of the state for at least one year;
                 (D) is a disabled veteran eligible for a free license under AS 16.05.341; or
                 (E) qualifies for a $5 license fee under (6) of this subsection.
            (24) [See delayed amendment note]. =ro Nonresident anadromous king salmon tag - valid for the period inscribed on the tag
                 (A) for a one-day tag .......................... 15              (B) for a three-day tag ........................ 30              (C) for a seven-day tag ........................ 45              (D) for a 14-day tag ........................... 75              (E) for an annual tag ......................... 100 A nonresident may not engage in sport fishing for anadromous king salmon without having a valid anadromous king salmon tag in the person's actual possession, unless that person is under 16 years of age. Members of the military service on active duty who are permanently stationed in the state, and their dependents, who do not qualify as residents under AS 16.05.415, may obtain an annual nonresident military anadromous king salmon tag for $30.
            (25) Nuisance wild animal control license ........ 100         (26) [Repealed, Sec. 8, ch. 70, SLA 2004].
            (27) [Effective January 1, 2017]. =ro Fishing services licenses
                 (A) Salt water sport fishing operator license ... 200
                 (B) Salt water sport fishing guide license ... 100
                 (C) Salt water sport fishing operator and guide combined license ................................... 200.    (b) The commissioner may issue without cost a permit to collect fish and game, including fur animals, subject to limitations and provisions that are appropriate, for a scientific, propagative, or educational purpose. The commissioner also may issue without cost a permit for the noncommercial control of nuisance wild birds or nuisance wild small mammals. The commissioner also may issue a permit for the collection of bivalve spat for use in connection with an aquatic farm. In addition, the commissioner shall issue a permit for the collecting of wild fur animals for improving the genetic stock of fur farm animals. Permits issued under this subsection shall be in accordance with current sustained yield management practices for the species of wild game for which the permit is requested. The annual permit fee for an Alaska resident to collect wild fur animals for fur farming purposes is the same as the fee for resident trappers.
       (c) The commissioner may issue a duplicate license or a duplicate tag as a replacement for a license or tag issued under (a) of this section. A fee of $5 shall be charged for each duplicate license or tag; however, a fee of $2 shall be charged for each duplicate of reduced fee license issued to an indigent or low income person under (a)(6) of this section. The duplicate license or tag may not be issued unless the commissioner or a delegate is satisfied that the original has been lost or destroyed.
       (d) Members of the military service or the United States Coast Guard on active duty who are permanently stationed in the state, and their dependents, who do not qualify as residents under AS 16.05.415, may obtain special nonresident military hunting and sport fishing licenses at the rates for resident hunting and sport fishing licenses. A person who obtains a special nonresident military hunting license under this subsection is exempt from the requirements of (a)(15) of this section, but may not take a big game animal for which a tag is required under (a)(16) of this section or a mountain goat or sheep without previously purchasing a numbered, nontransferable appropriate tag, issued at the resident rate, under (a)(16) of this section. A person who obtains a special nonresident military hunting license under this subsection may obtain a numbered, nontransferable tag for mountain goat or sheep at no cost.
       (e) [Repealed, Sec. 27 ch 71 SLA 1986].
       (f) [Repealed, Sec. 4 ch 81 SLA 1992].
       (g) A hunting, trapping, or fishing license, tag, or permit for which a fee is authorized under this section or for which the fee is waived or modified under AS 16.05.330 - 16.05.430 may be issued only to a natural person.
       (h) Subject to regulations adopted by the Board of Game, a person who holds a nuisance wild animal control license may engage in the control of nuisance wild birds and nuisance wild small mammals for compensation.
       (i) [See delayed amendment note]. =ro If the commissioner determines that residents of the state are entitled to obtain licenses for sport fishing, including sport fishing for anadromous king salmon, in Yukon, Canada, for the same fees that are charged to residents of Yukon for comparable sport fishing licenses, the commissioner may adopt regulations authorizing residents of Yukon to receive
            (1) nonresident annual sport fishing licenses for the fees charged to residents under (a) of this section for a resident sport fishing license; and
            (2) nonresident anadromous king salmon annual tags for the fee charged to residents under (a) of this section for a resident anadromous king salmon tag.
       (j) In addition to the fees for a sport fishing license set out in (a) and (d) of this section, each person who purchases a sport fishing license shall pay a sport fishing facility surcharge as set out in this subsection for the purpose of providing funding for sport fishing facilities. A person who is eligible for a $5 resident hunting, trapping, and sport fishing license under (a)(6) of this section or a free license under AS 16.05.341 is exempt from payment of the surcharge imposed under this subsection. The surcharge authorized by this subsection shall take effect on the date established by regulation by the commissioner. The authority of the department to collect the surcharge under this subsection terminates on December 31 of the calendar year in which the principal amount of the bonds issued under AS 37.15.765 - 37.15.799, together with the interest on them and any interest owing on unpaid installments of interest, and all other obligations with respect to the bonds, are fully met and discharged. The amount of the surcharge attached to each sport fishing license must be clearly disclosed on the sport fishing license. The amount of the sport fishing facility surcharge to be paid for each sport fishing license is as follows

    (1) resident sport fishing license ............................. $ 9
    (2) resident hunting and sport fishing license .................. 9
    (3) resident hunting, trapping, and sport fishing license ....... 9
    (4) nonresident 14-day sport fishing license .................... 30
    (5) nonresident seven-day sport fishing license ................. 25
    (6) nonresident three-day sport fishing license ................. 15
    (7) nonresident one-day sport fishing license ................... 10
    (8) nonresident annual sport fishing license .................... 45
    (9) special nonresident military small game and sport fishing
    license .............................................................
    (10) special nonresident military sport fishing license ........ 9.

       (k) [Effective January 1, 2017]. =ro In addition to the fees for a hunting license set out in (a) and (d) of this section, each person who purchases a hunting license shall pay an intensive management surcharge as set out in this subsection for the purpose of providing funding for the intensive management of the state's game populations under AS 16.05.255(e). A person who is eligible for a $5 resident hunting, trapping, and sport fishing license under (a)(6) of this section or a free license under AS 16.05.341 is exempt from payment of the surcharge imposed under this subsection. The amount of the surcharge attached to each hunting license must be clearly disclosed on the license. Except as otherwise provided by this subsection, the intensive management surcharge for each
            (1) resident hunting license available under this section is $10; and
            (2) nonresident hunting license available under this section is $30.


8.54.770; 9.50.020;16.05.130;16.05.341;16.05.346;16.05.660;16.05.826;16.40.261;16.40.271


Recent Bills that will modify this

Implemented As

5 AAC 41.240
5 AAC 41.255
5 AAC 41.400
5 AAC 41.500
5 AAC 75.007
5 AAC 75.009
5 AAC 92.010
5 AAC 92.012
5 AAC 92.015
5 AAC 92.016
5 AAC 92.018
5 AAC 92.030
5 AAC 92.033
5 AAC 92.043
5 AAC 92.072
5 AAC 92.074
5 AAC 92.420
5 AAC 93.200
5 AAC 93.205
5 AAC 93.210
5 AAC 93.215
5 AAC 93.220
5 AAC 93.225
5 AAC 93.230
5 AAC 93.235
5 AAC 93.520
5 AAC 93.540
5 AAC 93.570

5 AAC 28.180
5 AAC 75.009
5 AAC 92.001
5 AAC 92.018
5 AAC 92.110
5 AAC 92.115
5 AAC 93.520
5 AAC 93.540
AS 8.54.770 .770">Sec. 08.54.770. License and examination fees.
AS 9.50.020 .020">Sec. 09.50.020. Penalties; damages; license revocation.
AS 16.05.130 Diversion of funds prohibited; separate accounts.
AS 16.05.341 Free license for disabled veterans and active members of the Alaska National Guard and military reserves.
AS 16.05.346 Permit applications.
AS 16.05.660 License exemption.
AS 16.05.826 Waterfowl conservation stamp program.
AS 16.40.261 Salt water sport fishing operator license. [Effective January 1, 2017]..
AS 16.40.271 Salt water sport fishing guide license; combined operator and guide license. [Effective January 1, 2017]..

(Sec. 2 art II ch 94 SLA 1959; am Sec. 1 ch 96 SLA 1959; am Sec. 7 - 13 ch 131 SLA 1960; am Sec. 1 ch 16 SLA 1963; am Sec. 1 ch 29 SLA 1963; am Sec. 2 ch 31 SLA 1963; am Sec. 2, 3 ch 75 SLA 1964; am Sec. 1 ch 83 SLA 1966; am Sec. 2 ch 32 SLA 1968; am Sec. 1 ch 4 SLA 1972; am Sec. 1, 2 ch 180 SLA 1972; am Sec. 2, 3 ch 82 SLA 1974; am Sec. 1 ch 198 SLA 1976; am Sec. 1, 2 ch 268 SLA 1976; am Sec. 1, 2 ch 73 SLA 1979; am Sec. 2 ch 19 SLA 1980; am Sec. 1, 2, 4 ch 57 SLA 1980; am Sec. 16, 17 ch 94 SLA 1980; am Sec. 1 - 6 ch 40 SLA 1982; am Sec. 2, 3 ch 23 SLA 1983; am Sec. 1 ch 35 SLA 1983; am Sec. 3 ch 71 SLA 1984; am Sec. 15 - 17 ch 81 SLA 1984; am Sec. 3 - 5 ch 96 SLA 1984; am Sec. 12, 13 ch 132 SLA 1984; am Sec. 27 ch 71 SLA 1986; am Sec. 3 ch 70 SLA 1987; am Sec. 4, 5 ch 88 SLA 1987; am Sec. 2 ch 6 SLA 1989; am E.O. No. 73 Sec. 3 (1989); am Sec. 1 - 3 ch 28 SLA 1990; am Sec. 3 - 14 ch 211 SLA 1990; am Sec. 14 ch 21 SLA 1991; am Sec. 4 ch 81 SLA 1992; am Sec. 2 ch 2 FSSLA 1992; am Sec. 44 ch 63 SLA 1993; am Sec. 3 ch 9 SLA 1994; am Sec. 16 ch 30 SLA 1996; am Sec. 1 ch 38 SLA 1997; am Sec. 1, 2 ch 70 SLA 1997; am Sec. 2 - 8, 10 ch 74 SLA 1997; am Sec. 68, 69 ch 21 SLA 2000; am Sec. 2 ch 50 SLA 2000; am Sec. 1 ch 118 SLA 2003; am Sec. 3 - 5 ch 132 SLA 2003; am Sec. 1 ch 4 SLA 2004; am Sec. 1 ch 70 SLA 2004; am Sec. 3, 4 ch 94 SLA 2005; am Sec. 1 ch 51 SLA 2008; am Sec. 1 ch 59 SLA 2010; am Sec. 4 - 22 ch 18 SLA 2016; am Sec. 1 ch 30 SLA 2016)