Section 16.05.403. Special licenses and permits.  

Latest version.
  •    (a) A resident hunting license, a resident sport fishing license, a resident subsistence fishing permit, or a resident personal use fishing permit indicating that the purchaser is blind may be obtained from the department upon payment of the fee prescribed in AS 16.05.330 - 16.05.430 and upon presentation of either an affidavit of the applicant stating that the applicant cannot distinguish light from darkness or an affidavit signed by a licensed physician or a licensed optometrist stating that the applicant's central visual acuity does not exceed 20/200 in the better eye with correcting lenses or that the applicant's widest diameter of visual field subtends an angle no greater than 20 degrees.
       (b) A resident who is a person with physical disabilities may obtain from the department upon payment of the fee prescribed in AS 16.05.330 - 16.05.430 and upon submission of satisfactory proof of physical disabilities a resident hunting license, a resident sport fishing license, a resident subsistence fishing permit, or a resident personal use fishing permit indicating that the purchaser is a person with physical disabilities.
       (c) [See delayed amendment note]. =ro A resident who is 65 years of age or older may obtain from the department upon payment of the fee prescribed in AS 16.05.330 - 16.05.430 and upon submission of satisfactory proof of age a resident hunting license, a resident sport fishing license, a resident subsistence fishing permit, or a resident personal use fishing permit indicating that the purchaser is a person who is 65 years of age or older. This subsection does not limit the right of a resident person who is 65 years of age or older to obtain a permanent identification card under AS 16.05.400(b).
       (d) [Effective January 1, 2017]. =ro A resident who is a person with developmental disabilities may obtain from the department upon payment of the fee prescribed in AS 16.05.330 - 16.05.430 and upon submission of satisfactory proof of developmental disabilities a resident hunting license, a resident sport fishing license, a resident subsistence fishing permit, or a resident personal use fishing permit indicating that the purchaser is a person with developmental disabilities. This subsection does not require the department to issue a license or permit to a person with a developmental disability who is prohibited from possessing a firearm or ammunition under 18 U.S.C. 922 as a result of an involuntary commitment or an adjudication of mental illness or mental incompetence.




Recent Bills that will modify this

Implemented As

5 AAC 01.011
5 AAC 02.011
5 AAC 75.011
5 AAC 77.016

AS 16.05.405 Taking fish and game by proxy.

(Sec. 2 ch 81 SLA 1992; am Sec. 25, 26 ch 18 SLA 2016)