Section 16.20.030. National wildlife refuges designated as state game refuges; Goose Bay State Game Refuge.  

Latest version.
  •    (a) The land areas now included in the National Wildlife Refuge System that are cited in this subsection are designated as state game refuges, and the board shall assign them appropriate refuge names:
            (1) Aleutian Islands Refuge (except Umnak, Unalaska, Akun, Akutan, Sanak, and Tigalda Islands);
            (2) Bering Sea Refuge (St. Matthews and Hall Islands, and Pinnacle Islet in Bering Sea);
            (3) Bogoslof Island Refuge;
            (4) Chamisso Island Refuge;
            (5) Forrester Island Refuge;
            (6) Hazen Bay (Nunivakchak and Kirgegag Islands);
            (7) Hazy Islands Refuge;
            (8) Kenai National Moose Range;
            (9) Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge;
            (10) Nunivak Island Refuge;
            (11) St. Lazaria Island Refuge;
            (12) Semidi Islands Wildlife Refuge;
            (13) Tuxedni Refuge (Islands in Tuxedni Harbor);
            (14) [See conditional amendment of paragraph note]. =ro Izembek Refuge, including the tide and submerged land described as follows:
                 (A) Township 58 South, Range 91 West, Seward Meridian
    Sections 1 - 4
    Sections 9 - 12
                 (B) Township 58 South, Range 90 West, Seward Meridian
    Sections 1 - 9
    Section 16
                 (C) Township 57 South, Range 91 West, Seward Meridian
    Section 13
    Sections 24 - 26
    Sections 35 - 36
                 (D) Township 57 South, Range 90 West, Seward Meridian
    Sections 1 - 36
                 (E) Township 57 South, Range 89 West, Seward Meridian
    Sections 5 - 6
                 (F) Township 56 South, Range 87 West, Seward Meridian
    Sections 1 - 6
    Sections 10 - 11
                 (G) Township 56 South, Range 88 West, Seward Meridian
    Sections 1 - 23
    Sections 27 - 32
                 (H) Township 55 South, Range 87 West, Seward Meridian
    Sections 1 - 36
                 (I) Township 56 South, Range 89 West, Seward Meridian
    Sections 1 - 36
                 (J) Township 55 South, Range 89 West, Seward Meridian
    Sections 1 - 36
                 (K) Township 55 South, Range 88 West, Seward Meridian
    Sections 1 - 36
                 (L) Township 55 South, Range 86 West, Seward Meridian
    Sections 6 - 7
    Sections 18 - 19
    Sections 30 - 31
                 (M) Township 56 South, Range 90 West, Seward Meridian
    (entire township);
            (15) Cape Newenham National Wildlife Range, including tide and submerged land in Chagvan Bay described as follows:
                 (A) Township 16 South, Range 75 West, Seward Meridian
    Section 1
    Sections 11 - 15
    Sections 22 - 27
    Sections 34 - 36
                 (B) Township 16 South, Range 74 West, Seward Meridian
    Sections 7 - 9
    Sections 17 - 19
    Section 30;
            (16) Clarence Rhodes National Wildlife Range;
            (17) Arctic National Wildlife Range.
       (b) [Repealed, Sec. 3, ch 8 SLA 1988].
       (c) The presently owned state land, tideland, submerged tideland, submerged land and water, and the land and water acquired in the future by the state lying within the parcels described in (1) - (2) of this subsection are established as the Goose Bay State Game Refuge:
            (1) Township 15 North, Range 3 West, Seward Meridian
    Sections 17 - 20, 29, 30: All;
            (2) Township 15 North, Range 4 West, Seward Meridian
    Section 1: W1/2W1/2
    Sections 2 - 3: All
    Section 4: Lot 1, SE1/4NE1/4, E1/2SE1/4
    Section 9: Lots 1, 2, 3, NE1/4NE1/4
    Sections 10 - 11: All
    Section 12: S1/2
    Sections 13 - 15: All
    Section 23: N1/2NE1/4
    Section 24: All
    The following protracted and fractional parts within Tract A:
    Section 9: E1/2
    Section 10: All
    Section 15: All
    Section 16: All
    Section 21: N1/2
    Section 22: N1/2.
       (d) The state may not acquire by eminent domain privately owned land within state-owned land specified in (c) of this section for inclusion in the Goose Bay State Game Refuge. The Department of Natural Resources may adopt, in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act (AS 44.62), zoning regulations governing privately owned land within the Goose Bay State Game Refuge.
       (e) Egress and ingress to and from private property within the parcels described in (c) of this section shall be allowed through access corridors established through agreement between the Department of Natural Resources and the Department of Fish and Game, and with the private property owners involved.


Implemented As

5 AAC 95.550
5 AAC 95.552

(Sec. 3 ch 114 SLA 1960; am Sec. 1 ch 81 SLA 1971; am Sec. 1 ch 140 SLA 1972; am Sec. 28 ch 53 SLA 1973; am Sec. 1 ch 101 SLA 1975; am Sec. 1 ch 192 SLA 1975; am Sec. 3 ch 8 SLA 1988)