Section 16.43.140. Permit required.  

Latest version.
  •    (a) A person may not operate gear in the commercial taking of fishery resources without a valid entry permit or a valid interim-use permit issued by the commission.
       (b) A permit is not required of a crewmember or other person assisting in the operation of a unit of gear engaged in the commercial taking of fishery resources as long as the holder of the entry permit or the interim-use permit for that particular unit of gear is at all times present and actively engaged in the operation of the gear.
       (c) A person may hold more than one interim-use or entry permit issued or transferred under this chapter only for the following purposes:
            (1) fishing more than one type of gear;
            (2) fishing in more than one administrative area;
            (3) harvesting particular species for which separate interim-use or entry permits are issued;
            (4) if authorized by regulations of the commission, fishing an entire unit of gear in a fishery in which the commission has issued entry permits for less than a unit of gear under AS 16.43.270(d); under this paragraph, a person may not hold more than two entry permits for a fishery; however, the person may not
                 (A) fish more than one unit of gear in the fishery; or
                 (B) acquire a second entry permit for the fishery after the person has acquired an entry permit that authorizes the use of an entire unit of gear in the fishery;
            (5) consolidation of the fishing fleet for a salmon fishery; however, a person may hold not more than two entry permits for a salmon fishery under this paragraph, but the person who holds two entry permits for a salmon fishery may not engage in fishing under the second entry permit.




Recent Bills that will modify this

Implemented As

20 AAC 05.110
20 AAC 05.120
20 AAC 05.1725
20 AAC 05.1940
20 AAC 05.1942
20 AAC 05.1944
20 AAC 05.1946
20 AAC 05.200
20 AAC 05.210
20 AAC 05.220
20 AAC 05.245
20 AAC 05.565

17 AAC 25.210
17 AAC 25.220
20 AAC 05.1725
AS 16.05.251 Regulations of the Board of Fisheries.
AS 16.43.240 Determination of the maximum number of entry permits for initial issue.
AS 16.43.451 Bering Sea hair crab fishery vessel permit system.
AS 16.43.521 General Bering Sea hair crab vessel permit provisions.
AS 16.43.970 Penalties.

(Sec. 1 ch 79 SLA 1973; am Sec. 1 ch 57 SLA 1996; am Sec. 2 ch 134 SLA 2002; am Sec. 5 ch 9 SLA 2014)