Section 17.38.210. Local control.  

Latest version.
  •    (a) A local government may prohibit the operation of marijuana cultivation facilities, marijuana product manufacturing facilities, marijuana testing facilities, or retail marijuana stores through the enactment of an ordinance or by a voter initiative. An established village may prohibit the operation of marijuana cultivation facilities, marijuana product manufacturing facilities, marijuana testing facilities, or retail marijuana stores as provided in AS 17.38.300.
       (b) A local government may enact ordinances or regulations not in conflict with this chapter or with regulations enacted pursuant to this chapter, governing the time, place, manner, and number of marijuana establishment operations. A local government may establish civil penalties for violation of an ordinance or regulation governing the time, place, and manner of a marijuana establishment that may operate in such local government.
       (c) A local government may designate a local regulatory authority that is responsible for processing applications submitted for a registration to operate a marijuana establishment within the boundaries of the local government. The local government may provide that the local regulatory authority may issue such registrations should the issuance by the local government become necessary because of a failure by the board to adopt regulations pursuant to AS 17.38.190 or to accept or process applications in accordance with AS 17.38.200.
       (d) A local government may establish procedures for the issuance, suspension, and revocation of a registration issued by the local government in accordance with (f) of this section or (g) of this section. These procedures shall be subject to all requirements of AS 44.62 (Administrative Procedure Act).
       (e) A local government may establish a schedule of annual operating, registration, and application fees for marijuana establishments, provided, the application fee shall only be due if an application is submitted to a local government in accordance with (f) of this section and a registration fee shall only be due if a registration is issued by a local government in accordance with (f) of this section or (g) of this section.
       (f) If the board does not issue a registration to an applicant within 90 days of receipt of the application filed in accordance with AS 17.38.200 and does not notify the applicant of the specific, permissible reason for its denial, in writing and within such time period, or if the board has adopted regulations pursuant to AS 17.38.190 and has accepted applications pursuant to AS 17.38.200 but has not issued any registrations by 15 months after the effective date of this Act, the applicant may resubmit its application directly to the local regulatory authority, pursuant to (c) of this section, and the local regulatory authority may issue an annual registration to the applicant. If an application is submitted to a local regulatory authority under this subsection, the board shall forward to the local regulatory authority the application fee paid by the applicant to the board upon request by the local regulatory authority.
       (g) If the board does not adopt regulations required by AS 17.38.190, an applicant may submit an application directly to a local regulatory authority after one year after February 24, 2015 and the local regulatory authority may issue an annual registration to the applicant.
       (h) A local regulatory authority issuing a registration to an applicant shall do so within 90 days of receipt of the submitted or resubmitted application unless the local regulatory authority finds and notifies the applicant that the applicant is not in compliance with ordinances and regulations made pursuant to (b) of this section in effect at the time the application is submitted to the local regulatory authority. The local government shall notify the board if an annual registration has been issued to the applicant.
       (i) A registration issued by a local government in accordance with (f) of this section or (g) of this section shall have the same force and effect as a registration issued by the board in accordance with AS 17.38.200. The holder of such registration shall not be subject to regulation or enforcement by the board during the term of that registration.
       (j) A subsequent or renewed registration may be issued under (f) of this section on an annual basis only upon resubmission to the local government of a new application submitted to the board pursuant to AS 17.38.200.
       (k) A subsequent or renewed registration may be issued under (g) of this section on an annual basis if the board has not adopted regulations required by AS 17.38.190 at least 90 days prior to the date upon which such subsequent or renewed registration would be effective or if the board has adopted regulations pursuant to AS 17.38.190 but has not, at least 90 days after the adoption of such regulations, issued registrations pursuant to AS 17.38.200.
       (l) Nothing in this section shall limit such relief as may be available to an aggrieved party under AS 44.62 (Administrative Procedure Act).
       (m) Except as provided in AS 29, the exercise of the powers authorized by this section by a borough may be exercised only on a nonareawide basis. In this subsection, "nonareawide" means throughout the area of a borough outside all cities in the borough.




Recent Bills that will modify this

Implemented As

3 AAC 306.200
3 AAC 306.210
3 AAC 306.220
3 AAC 306.230
3 AAC 306.240
3 AAC 306.250
3 AAC 306.260

3 AAC 306.080
AS 17.38.200 Marijuana establishment registrations.

(Sec. 1 2014 General Election Ballot Measure No. 2; am Sec. 2, 3 ch 53 SLA 2016)