Section 18.55.010. Purpose of AS 18.55.100 - 18.55.290.
Section 18.55.080. Members or employees prohibited from acquiring interest in projects.
Section 18.55.090. Removal of members. [Repealed, Sec. 2 ch 9 SLA 1965].
Section 18.55.100. Powers of corporation.
Section 18.55.105. Lease of authority's public buildings to political subdivisions. [Repealed, Sec. 3 ch 118 SLA 1967].
Section 18.55.110. Cooperation with and aid of federal government.
Section 18.55.120. Housing for low-income households.
Section 18.55.130. Qualifications of tenants.
Section 18.55.140. Issuance of bonds, notes, and refunding bonds.
Section 18.55.150. Security for bonds.
Section 18.55.160. Limitation of liability on bonds.
Section 18.55.170. Exemption from taxes.
Section 18.55.180. Issuance and sale of bonds and notes.
Section 18.55.185. Prohibited bidding on bonds and notes. [Repealed, Sec. 4 ch 86 SLA 1981].
Section 18.55.187. Independent financial advisor.
Section 18.55.190. Maximum interest rate. [Repealed, Sec. 1 ch 52 SLA 1977].
Section 18.55.200. Additional powers to secure bonds or obligations under leases.
Section 18.55.210. Right of obligee of corporation to bring action.
Section 18.55.220. Power of corporation to confer upon obligee right to bring action or proceeding.
Section 18.55.230. Exemption of real property of corporation from execution or other process.
Section 18.55.240. Power of corporation to obtain federal aid and cooperation.
Section 18.55.250. Property of corporation exempt from taxes and assessments.
Section 18.55.255. Disposal of surplus property.
Section 18.55.260. Legality of corporation's bonds as investments.
Section 18.55.270. Recommendations for legislation.
Section 18.55.280. Public loans or donations to or cooperation with corporation.
Section 18.55.288. Definitions.
Section 18.55.290. Short title.
Section 18.55.020. - 18.55.070. Alaska State Housing Authority. [Repealed, Sec. 140 ch 4 FSSLA 1992].