Section 18.60.083. Right of entry and inspection.  

Latest version.
  •    (a) A representative of the department, upon presenting appropriate credentials to the owner, operator, or agent in charge, may
            (1) enter without delay and at reasonable times a factory, plant, establishment, construction site, or other area, work place, or environment where work is performed by an employee of an employer; and
            (2) inspect and investigate during regular working hours and at other reasonable times, and with reasonable limits and in a reasonable manner, a place of employment and all pertinent conditions, structures, machines, devices, equipment, and materials, and question privately an employer, owner, operator, agent, or employee.
       (b) In making inspections and investigations under (a) of this section, the department may issue subpoenas compelling the attendance of witnesses and the production of papers and records. Witnesses shall be paid the same fees and mileage that are paid witnesses in the courts of the state. If a person fails to grant a right of entry and inspection, the department may seek an order from the superior court compelling the person to submit to entry and inspection. If a person fails to comply with a subpoena or a witness refuses to testify to a matter regarding which the witness may be lawfully interrogated, a superior court may compel obedience by proceedings for contempt as in the case of disobedience of the requirements of a subpoena issued from the court or a refusal to testify before it.




Implemented As

8 AAC 61.020
8 AAC 61.030
8 AAC 61.070

8 AAC 61.020
8 AAC 61.410
AS 18.60.088 Employee requests for special inspection.

(Sec. 7 ch 72 SLA 1973)