Section 18.65.740. Revocation of permit; appeal.  

Latest version.
  •    (a) A permit to carry a concealed handgun shall be immediately revoked by the department when the permittee
            (1) becomes disqualified to receive and hold a permit under AS 18.65.705;
            (2) is convicted of two class A misdemeanors of this state or similar laws of another jurisdiction within a six-year period if at least one of the convictions occurs after the application;
            (3) knowingly supplied a false or fraudulent answer, statement, or document, or made a material misstatement or omission, in connection with an application for a permit or renewal or replacement of a permit.
       (b) A person whose permit is revoked under (a) of this section shall immediately surrender the permit to the nearest peace officer. A peace officer receiving a permit under this section shall immediately forward the permit to the department.
       (c) A person whose permit is revoked under this section may appeal the revocation decision to the commissioner. A person may seek judicial review of the decision of the commissioner under AS 44.62.560 - 44.62.570.
       (d) A person whose permit is revoked may not apply for a permit until at least five years after the revocation.




Implemented As

13 AAC 30.060

13 AAC 30.060
AS 18.65.700 Permit to carry a concealed handgun.

(Sec. 4 ch 67 SLA 1994; am Sec. 16 ch 1 SLA 1998)