Section 24.60.070. Disclosure of close economic associations.  

Latest version.
  •    (a) A legislator or legislative employee shall disclose to the committee, which shall maintain a public record of the disclosure and forward the disclosure to the respective house for inclusion in the journal, the formation or maintenance of a close economic association involving a substantial financial matter with
            (1) a supervisor who is not a member of the legislature who has responsibility or authority, either directly or indirectly, over the person's employment, including preparing or reviewing performance evaluations, or granting or approving pay raises or promotions; this paragraph does not apply to a public member of the committee;
            (2) legislators;
            (3) a public official as that term is defined in AS 39.50;
            (4) a registered lobbyist; or
            (5) a legislative employee if the person required to make the disclosure is a legislator.
       (b) A legislator or legislative employee required to make a disclosure under this section shall make a disclosure by the date set under AS 24.60.105 of the legislator's or legislative employee's close economic associations then in existence. A disclosure under this section must be sufficiently detailed that a reader of the disclosure can ascertain the nature of the association.
       (c) When making a disclosure under (a) of this section concerning a relationship with a lobbyist to whom the legislative employee is married or who is the legislative employee's domestic partner, the legislative employee shall also disclose the name and address of each employer of the lobbyist and the total monetary value received by the lobbyist from the lobbyist's employer. The legislative employee shall report changes in the employer of the spouse or domestic partner within 48 hours after the change. In this subsection, "employer of the lobbyist" means the person from whom the lobbyist received amounts or things of value for engaging in lobbying on behalf of the person.
       (d) In this section, "close economic association" means a financial relationship that exists between a person covered by this chapter and some other person or entity, including but not limited to relationships where the person covered by this chapter serves as a consultant or advisor to, is a member or representative of, or has a financial interest in, any association, partnership, business, or corporation.





AS 24.60.105 Deadlines for filing disclosures; requests to refrain from disclosure.

(Sec. 1 ch 36 SLA 1984; am Sec. 6 ch 113 SLA 1986; am Sec. 8, 9 ch 127 SLA 1992; am Sec. 16 ch 6 SLA 1993; am Sec. 25, 26 ch 74 SLA 1998; am Sec. 27 ch 108 SLA 2003; am Sec. 24, 25 ch 47 SLA 2007)