Section 24.60.090. Nepotism.  

Latest version.
  •    (a) An individual who is related to a member of the legislature may not be employed for compensation (1) during the legislative session in the house in which the legislator is a member, (2) by an agency of the legislature established under AS 24.20, (3) in either house during the interim between sessions, or (4), whether for compensation or not, by the committee. An individual who is related to a legislative employee may not be employed in a position over which the employee has supervisory authority. In this subsection, "an individual who is related to" means a member of the legislator's or legislative employee's immediate family or a person who is a legislator's or legislative employee's domestic partner living together in a conjugal relationship not a legal marriage with the legislator or legislative employee, and "interim between sessions" means the period beginning on the eighth day after the legislature adjourns from a regular session, and ending eight days before the date that the legislature shall convene under AS 24.05.090.
       (b) [Repealed, Sec. 42 ch 127 SLA 1992].
       (c) [Repealed, Sec. 42 ch 127 SLA 1992].



(Sec. 1 ch 36 SLA 1984; am Sec. 15, 42 ch 127 SLA 1992; am Sec. 29 ch 108 SLA 2003)