Section 25.25.702. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • In AS 25.25.702 - 25.25.714,
            (1) "application" means a request under the convention by an obligee or obligor, or on behalf of a child, made through a central authority for assistance from another central authority;
            (2) "central authority" means the entity designated by the United States or a foreign country described in AS 25.25.101(24)(D) to perform the functions specified in the convention;
            (3) "convention support order" means a support order of a tribunal of a foreign country described in AS 25.25.101(24)(D);
            (4) "direct request" means a complaint or comparable pleading filed by an individual in a tribunal of this state in a proceeding involving an obligee, obligor, or child residing outside the United States;
            (5) "foreign central authority" means the entity designated by a foreign country described in AS 25.25.101(24)(D) to perform the functions specified in the convention;
            (6) "foreign support agreement"
                 (A) means an agreement for support in a record that
                      (i) is enforceable as a support order in the country of origin;
                      (ii) has been formally drawn up or registered as an authentic instrument by a foreign tribunal or authenticated by, or concluded, registered, or filed with, a foreign tribunal; and
                      (iii) may be reviewed and modified by a foreign tribunal;
                 (B) includes a maintenance arrangement or authentic instrument under the convention;
            (7) "United States central authority" means the United States Secretary of Health and Human Services.





AS 25.25.101 Definitions.
AS 25.25.104 Application of this chapter to resident of foreign country and foreign support proceeding.
AS 25.25.702 Definitions.
AS 25.25.703 Applicability.
AS 25.25.705 Initiation by child support services agency of support proceeding under convention.
AS 25.25.706 Direct request.
AS 25.25.707 Registration of convention support order.
AS 25.25.708 Contest of registered convention support order.
AS 25.25.713 Personal information; limit on use.
AS 25.25.714 Record original language; English translation.

(Sec. 97 ch 32 SLA 2015)