Section 29.20.160. Procedures of governing bodies.  

Latest version.
  •    (a) The assembly shall elect from among its members a presiding officer and a deputy presiding officer to serve at the pleasure of the members, except that in a borough that has adopted a manager form of government under AS 29.20.460  - 29.20.510 the mayor serves as presiding officer.  In a city the mayor serves as presiding officer. If the presiding officer is not present or if the presiding officer is personally disqualified, the deputy presiding officer shall preside.
       (b) A governing body shall hold at least one regular meeting each month unless otherwise provided by ordinance. If a majority of the members are given at least 24 hours oral or written notice and reasonable efforts are made to notify all members, a special meeting of the governing body may be held at the call of the presiding officer or at least one-third of the members. A special meeting may be conducted with less than 24 hours notice if all members are present or if absent members have waived in writing the required notice. Waiver of notice can be made before or after the special meeting is held. A waiver of notice shall be made a part of the journal for the meeting.
       (c) A majority of the total membership of a governing body authorized by law constitutes a quorum. A member disqualified by law from voting on a question may be considered present for purposes of constituting a quorum. In the absence of a quorum any number of members may recess or adjourn the meeting to a later date.
       (d) Actions of a governing body are adopted by a majority of the total membership of the body. Each member present shall vote on every question, unless required to abstain from voting on a question by law. The final vote of each member on each ordinance, resolution, or substantive motion shall be recorded "yes" or "no", except that if the vote is unanimous it may be recorded "unanimous".
       (e) A governing body shall maintain a journal of its official proceedings that shall be a public record.
       (f) To the extent otherwise permitted by law, a governing body may determine by ordinance its own rules of procedure and order of business.



(Sec. 7 ch 74 SLA 1985)