Section 29.20.500. Powers and duties of a manager.  

Latest version.
  • The manager may hire necessary administrative assistants and may authorize an administrative official to appoint, suspend, or remove subordinates.  As chief administrator the manager shall
            (1) appoint, suspend, or remove municipal employees and administrative officials, except as provided otherwise in this title and AS 14.14.065;
            (2) supervise the enforcement of municipal law and carry out the directives of the governing body;
            (3) prepare and submit an annual budget and capital improvement program for consideration by the governing body, and execute the budget and capital improvement program adopted;
            (4) make monthly financial reports and other reports on municipal finances and operations as required by the governing body;
            (5) exercise custody over all real and personal property of the municipality, except property of the school district;
            (6) perform other duties required by law or by the governing body; and
            (7) serve as personnel officer, unless the governing body authorizes the manager to appoint a personnel officer.





AS 29.20.250 Powers and duties of mayor.

(Sec. 7 ch 74 SLA 1985)