Section 30.17.020. Membership of authority.  

Latest version.
  •    (a) The membership of the authority consists of
            (1) the commissioner of commerce, community, and economic development;
            (2) two other persons selected by the governor who serve as the heads of principal departments of the executive branch of state government; and
            (3) four public members appointed by the governor, two of whom must be residents of the area that is within the boundaries of the Aleut Corporation, a Native regional corporation established under 43 U.S.C. 1606 (Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act).
       (b) If a member described in (a)(1) or (2) of this section is unable to attend a meeting of the authority, the member may, by an instrument in writing filed with the authority, designate a deputy or assistant to act in the member's place as a member at the meeting. For purposes of this chapter, the designee is a member of the authority at the meeting.
       (c) Members of the authority described in (a)(2) and (3) of this section serve two-year terms but serve at the pleasure of the governor.
       (d) If a vacancy occurs in the membership of the authority, the governor shall immediately appoint a member for the unexpired portion of the term.


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(Sec. 1 ch 32 SLA 1996)