Section 36.30.100. General policy.  

Latest version.
  •    (a) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, or unless specifically exempted by law, an agency contract shall be awarded by competitive sealed bidding.
       (b) [Repealed, Sec. 48 ch 137 SLA 1996].
       (c) [Repealed, Sec. 20 ch 102 SLA 1989].




Implemented As

2 AAC 12.030
2 AAC 12.050

17 AAC 70.400
9 AAC 52.080
AS 36.30.015 Executive branch agencies.
AS 36.30.270 Architectural, engineering, and land surveying contracts.
AS 36.30.300 Single source procurements.
AS 36.30.305 Limited competition procurements.
AS 36.30.320 Small procurements.
AS 36.30.990 Definitions.

(Sec. 2 ch 106 SLA 1986; am Sec. 20 ch 102 SLA 1989; am Sec. 7 ch 2 FSSLA 1992; am Sec. 48 ch 137 SLA 1996)