Section 38.09.040. Revocation of entry permits.  

Latest version.
  •    (a) A homestead entry permit may be revoked by the commissioner for a substantial breach of the permit conditions or the requirements of this chapter, including
            (1) an assignment, conveyance, or transfer of the permit not authorized under AS 38.09.030(c);
            (2) failure of the permit holder to submit an aliquot parts description of the homestead entry or, a plat of survey where the commissioner waived the requirement of a rectangular survey grid to the commissioner within five years after the issuance of the permit;
            (3) [Repealed, Sec. 38 ch 91 SLA 1997].
            (4) failure to brush the boundaries of the land not described by aliquot parts or as a lot of record within 90 days after issuance of the homestead entry permit;
            (5) failure to clear and either put into production or prepare for cultivation either 25 percent of the land classified for agricultural use or 50 percent of the cropland soils, whichever is less, within five years after the issuance of the permit.
       (b) [Repealed, Sec. 20 ch 75 SLA 1987].
       (c) If a homestead entry permit is revoked under (a) of this section, improvements or personal property upon the land shall be managed under AS 38.05.090 and the state land remains available for homestead entry under this chapter.


Implemented As

11 AAC 67.145
11 AAC 67.146
11 AAC 67.148
11 AAC 67.154

11 AAC 67.146
11 AAC 67.147
11 AAC 67.148

(Sec. 1 ch 103 SLA 1983; am Sec. 14, 20 ch 75 SLA 1987; am Sec. 5 ch 123 SLA 1988; am Sec. 38 ch 91 SLA 1997)