Section 39.30.090. Procurement of group insurance.  

Latest version.
  •    (a) The Department of Administration may obtain a policy or policies of group insurance covering state employees, persons entitled to coverage under AS 14.25.168, 14.25.480, AS 22.25.090, AS 39.35.535, 39.35.880, or former AS 39.37.145, employees of other participating governmental units, or persons entitled to coverage under AS 23.15.136, subject to the following conditions:
            (1) a group insurance policy shall provide one or more of the following benefits: life insurance, accidental death and dismemberment insurance, weekly indemnity insurance, hospital expense insurance, surgical expense insurance, dental expense insurance, audiovisual insurance, or other medical care insurance;
            (2) each eligible employee of the state, the spouse and the unmarried children chiefly dependent on the eligible employee for support, and each eligible employee of another participating governmental unit shall be covered by the group policy, unless exempt under regulations adopted by the commissioner of administration;
            (3) a governmental unit may participate under a group policy if
                 (A) its governing body adopts a resolution authorizing participation and payment of required premiums;
                 (B) a certified copy of the resolution is filed with the Department of Administration; and
                 (C) the commissioner of administration approves the participation in writing;
            (4) in procuring a policy of group health or group life insurance as provided under this section or excess loss insurance as provided in AS 39.30.091, the Department of Administration shall comply with the dual choice requirements of AS 21.86.310, and shall obtain the insurance policy from an insurer authorized to transact business in the state under AS 21.09, a hospital or medical service corporation authorized to transact business in this state under AS 21.87, or a health maintenance organization authorized to operate in this state under AS 21.86; an excess loss insurance policy may be obtained from a life or health insurer authorized to transact business in this state under AS 21.09 or from a hospital or medical service corporation authorized to transact business in this state under AS 21.87;
            (5) the Department of Administration shall make available bid specifications for desired insurance benefits or for administration of benefit claims and payments to (A) all insurance carriers authorized to transact business in this state under AS 21.09 and all hospital or medical service corporations authorized to transact business under AS 21.87 who are qualified to provide the desired benefits; and (B) insurance carriers authorized to transact business in this state under AS 21.09, hospital or medical service corporations authorized to transact business under AS 21.87, and third-party administrators licensed to transact business in this state and qualified to provide administrative services; the specifications shall be made available at least once every five years; the lowest responsible bid submitted by an insurance carrier, hospital or medical service corporation, or third-party administrator with adequate servicing facilities shall govern selection of a carrier, hospital or medical service corporation, or third-party administrator under this section or the selection of an insurance carrier or a hospital or medical service corporation to provide excess loss insurance as provided in AS 39.30.091;
            (6) if the aggregate of dividends payable under the group insurance policy exceeds the governmental unit's share of the premium, the excess shall be applied by the governmental unit for the sole benefit of the employees;
            (7) a person receiving benefits under AS 14.25.110, AS 22.25, AS 39.35, or former AS 39.37 may continue the life insurance coverage that was in effect under this section at the time of termination of employment with the state or participating governmental unit;
            (8) a person electing to have insurance under (7) of this subsection shall pay the cost of this insurance;
            (9) for each permanent part-time employee electing coverage under this section, the state shall contribute one-half the state contribution rate for permanent full-time state employees, and the permanent part-time employee shall contribute the other one-half;
            (10) a person receiving benefits under AS 14.25, AS 22.25, AS 39.35, or former AS 39.37 may obtain auditory, visual, and dental insurance for that person and eligible dependents under this section; the level of coverage for persons over 65 shall be the same as that available before reaching age 65 except that the benefits payable shall be supplemental to any benefits provided under the federal old age, survivors, and disability insurance program; a person electing to have insurance under this paragraph shall pay the cost of the insurance; the commissioner of administration shall adopt regulations implementing this paragraph;
            (11) a person receiving benefits under AS 14.25, AS 22.25, AS 39.35, or former AS 39.37 may obtain long-term care insurance for that person and eligible dependents under this section; a person who elects insurance under this paragraph shall pay the cost of the insurance premium; the commissioner of administration shall adopt regulations to implement this paragraph;
            (12) each licensee holding a current operating agreement for a vending facility under AS 23.15.010 - 23.15.210 shall be covered by the group policy that applies to governmental units other than the state.
       (b) In this section,
            (1) "eligible employee" means
                 (A) an employee who has served in permanent full-time or part-time employment with the same governmental unit for 30 days or more, except an emergency or temporary employee;
                 (B) an elected or appointed official of a governmental unit, effective upon taking the oath of office; and
                 (C) a contractual employee of the legislative branch of state government under AS 24.10.060(f) if the employee's personal services contract provides that the employee is entitled to coverage;
            (2) "governmental unit" means the state, a municipality, school district, or other political subdivision of the state, and the North Pacific Fishery Management Council;
            (3) "insurance", "insurance carrier" and "insurance policy" include health care services, health care service contractors and contracts, and health maintenance organizations.




Recent Bills that will modify this

Implemented As

2 AAC 38.050
2 AAC 38.100
2 AAC 39.010
2 AAC 39.020
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2 AAC 39.090
2 AAC 39.095
2 AAC 39.100
2 AAC 39.210
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2 AAC 39.905
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2 AAC 39.925

2 AAC 39.500
2 AAC 39.510
2 AAC 39.590
2 AAC 39.600
2 AAC 39.610
2 AAC 39.690
2 AAC 39.900
2 AAC 39.920
AS 18.09.990 Definitions.
AS 23.15.136 Group insurance for certain licensees.
AS 37.05.146 Definition of program receipts and non-general fund program receipts.
AS 37.10.310 Pension forfeiture by public officers convicted of crimes involving corruption.
AS 39.20.345 Continuation of pay and benefits for certain members of the reserve and auxiliary units of the armed forces.
AS 39.30.091 Authorization for self-insurance and excess loss insurance.
AS 39.30.095 Group health and life benefits fund.
AS 39.30.098 Regulations.
AS 39.30.100

(Sec. 1, 2 ch 151 SLA 1955; am Sec. 1 ch 168 SLA 1959; am Sec. 1, 2 ch 105 SLA 1965; am Sec. 1 ch 70 SLA 1968; am Sec. 66 ch 69 SLA 1970; am Sec. 1 ch 123 SLA 1970; am Sec. 1 ch 159 SLA 1972; am Sec. 1, 2 ch 46 SLA 1973; am Sec. 13, 14 ch 47 SLA 1974; am Sec. 2, 3 ch 27 SLA 1976; am Sec. 2 ch 86 SLA 1977; am Sec. 39 ch 177 SLA 1978; am Sec. 1 ch 55 SLA 1979; am Sec. 1 ch 62 SLA 1981; am Sec. 37 ch 137 SLA 1982; am Sec. 1 ch 46 SLA 1984; am Sec. 13, 14 ch 82 SLA 1986; am Sec. 2 ch 38 SLA 1990; am Sec. 2, 3 ch 95 SLA 1990; am Sec. 67 - 69 ch 63 SLA 1993; am Sec. 106 ch 56 SLA 1996; am Sec. 3 ch 22 SLA 1998; am Sec. 69 ch 9 FSSLA 2005; am Sec. 30 ch 22 SLA 2015)