Section 39.30.300. State of Alaska Teachers' and Public Employees' Retiree Health Reimbursement Arrangement Plan established.  

Latest version.
  • The State of Alaska Teachers' and Public Employees' Retiree Health Reimbursement Arrangement Plan is established for teachers who first become members of the defined contribution plan of the teachers' retirement system under AS 14.25.310 - 14.25.590 on or after July 1, 2006, and employees of the state, political subdivisions of the state, and public organizations of the state who first become members of the defined contribution plan of the public employees' retirement system under AS 39.35.700 - 39.35.990 on or after July 1, 2006.





2 AAC 35.222
2 AAC 36.183
AS 14.25.480 Medical benefits.
AS 14.25.485 Occupational disability benefits and reemployment of disabled members.
AS 14.25.487 Occupational death benefit.
AS 37.10.220 Powers and duties of the board.
AS 39.30.097 Alaska retiree health care trusts.
AS 39.30.335 Appeals.
AS 39.30.495 Definitions.
AS 39.35.880 Medical benefits.
AS 39.35.890 Occupational disability benefits and reemployment of disabled employees.
AS 39.35.892 Occupational death benefit.
AS 39.35.958 Termination of participation in the plan.

(Sec. 80 ch 9 FSSLA 2005)