Section 40.15.300. Purposes of AS 40.15.300 - 40.15.380.  

Latest version.
  • The purposes of AS 40.15.300 - 40.15.380 are to provide the public with an improved mechanism for the recording of plats for subdivisions in areas of the state identified in AS 40.15.305(a) and to ensure that provision has been made for access to those subdivisions. AS 40.15.300 - 40.15.380 are not intended to provide the state with any authority to establish engineering or other standards for subdivisions beyond those expressly set out in AS 40.15.300 - 40.15.380.




Implemented As

11 AAC 53.630
11 AAC 53.640

11 AAC 51.065
11 AAC 53.600
11 AAC 53.610
AS 40.15.300
AS 40.15.300 Purposes of AS 40.15.300 - 40.15.380.
AS 40.15.305 Examination of plats before recording.
AS 40.15.360 Applicability.
AS 40.15.370 Regulations.
AS 40.15.380 Applicability to governmental bodies; right-of-way acquisition plats.

(Sec. 10 ch 40 SLA 1998)