Section 41.23.010. Purpose of AS 41.23.010 - 41.23.040.  

Latest version.
  • The purpose of AS 41.23.010  - 41.23.040 is to establish the area described in AS 41.23.040 as the Nelchina Public Use Area.  The Nelchina Public Use Area is established to
            (1) protect and maintain fish and wildlife habitat, particularly caribou calving areas, trumpeter swan nesting areas, and other important habitats for moose, Dall sheep, and brown bear so that traditional public uses of fish and wildlife populations may continue;
            (2) perpetuate and enhance public enjoyment of fish and wildlife and their habitat including fishing, hunting, trapping, viewing, and photography;
            (3) perpetuate and enhance general public recreation in a quality environment;
            (4) perpetuate and enhance additional public uses described in the Susitna Area Plan;
            (5) allow additional public uses of the area in a manner compatible with the purposes specified in (1) - (4) of this section.





AS 41.23.010
AS 41.23.010 Purpose of AS 41.23.010 - 41.23.040.
AS 41.23.020 Management.
AS 41.23.030 Incompatible uses.

(Sec. 1 ch 48 SLA 1985)