Section 41.23.400. Purposes.  

Latest version.
  •    (a) The purpose of AS 41.23.400 - 41.23.510 is to establish as recreation rivers the land and water now owned by the state and the land and water acquired in the future by the state that lies within the recreation rivers and the river corridors described in AS 41.23.500.
       (b) The primary purpose for the establishment of the six recreation rivers is the maintenance and enhancement of the land and water described in AS 41.23.500 for recreation.
       (c) The primary purposes for the management of the six recreation rivers are
            (1) the management, protection, and maintenance of the fish and wildlife populations and habitat on a sustained-yield basis;
            (2) continued recreation and economic use, including the uses described in (3) and (4) of this subsection, and enjoyment by the public and individuals of recreational activities that include hunting, fishing, trapping, camping, boating, hiking, snowmachining, skiing, dog mushing, and wildlife viewing, while ensuring the scenic and natural integrity of the recreation river;
            (3) multiple use management of upland activities within the recreation river corridor to ensure that mitigation measures to alleviate potential adverse effects on water quality and stream flow will take place; and
            (4) accommodation of access for resource uses, including recreation and tourism, within or adjacent to the river corridor.




Implemented As

11 AAC 09.010
11 AAC 09.040
11 AAC 09.050
11 AAC 09.200
11 AAC 09.210
11 AAC 09.220
11 AAC 09.330
11 AAC 09.340

11 AAC 09.050
AS 41.23.400 Purposes.
AS 41.23.410 Compatible activities.
AS 41.23.420 General management of recreation rivers and corridors.
AS 41.23.440 Management plan.
AS 41.23.470 Application of public land laws.
AS 41.23.500 Establishment of recreation rivers and recreation river corridors.
AS 41.23.510 Definition.

(Sec. 2 ch 122 SLA 1988)