Section 43.05.230. Disclosure of tax returns and reports.  

Latest version.
  •    (a) It is unlawful for a current or former officer, employee, or agent of the state to divulge the amount of income or the particulars set out or disclosed in a report or return made under this title, except
            (1) in connection with official investigations or proceedings of the department, whether judicial or administrative, involving taxes due under this title;
            (2) in connection with official investigations or proceedings of the child support enforcement agency, whether judicial or administrative, involving child support obligations imposed or imposable under AS 25 or AS 47;
            (3) as provided in AS 38.05.036 pertaining to audit functions of the Department of Natural Resources;
            (4) as provided in AS 43.05.405 - 43.05.499; and
            (5) as otherwise provided in this section or AS 43.55.890.
       (b) The department, upon written request, shall furnish to the taxpayer a copy of the taxpayer's tax return upon payment of a fee of $1 per page.
       (c) The department may permit the proper officer of the United States or of a state, territory or possession of the United States or of Canada or of a province or territory of Canada, or the officer's authorized representative, to inspect tax returns or reports filed with the department, or may furnish to the officer or representative a copy of the tax return, if the other jurisdiction grants substantially similar privileges to the department or its representative or to counsel for the state, and if the department determines that the other jurisdiction provides adequate safeguards for the confidentiality of the returns and reports, and that the returns and reports will be used for tax purposes only. The department may also permit the division responsible for employment and training services of the state Department of Labor and Workforce Development to inspect tax returns or reports filed with the department or may furnish a copy of the tax returns for tax purposes only.
       (d) The commissioner may furnish to the Multistate Tax Commission or other authorized agent information contained in the tax returns, reports, related schedules and documents filed under an audit or investigation of a multistate business made by the department. This information may be furnished for tax purposes only. The Multistate Tax Commission or other authorized agent may make the information available to the tax officials of other states, the District of Columbia, and the United States and its territories for tax purposes only.
       (e) Nothing in this section prohibits the publication of statistics so classified as to prevent the identification of particular returns or reports or the publication of delinquent lists showing the names of taxpayers who have failed to pay their taxes at the time and in the manner provided by law, together with other relevant information which in the opinion of the department may assist in the collection of delinquent taxes.
       (f) A wilful violation of the provisions of this section or of a condition imposed under AS 43.55.040(1)(B) is punishable by a fine of not more than $5,000, or by imprisonment for not more than two years, or by both.
       (g) The information contained in a license issued by the commissioner of revenue or the commissioner of commerce, community, and economic development under AS 43.40, AS 43.50, AS 43.60, AS 43.65, AS 43.70, and AS 43.75 is public information.
       (h) The commissioner shall, upon request, furnish to the Department of Natural Resources copies of tax returns, reports, and other documents filed under AS 43.55 or AS 43.65, and the Department of Revenue's determinations and workpapers under those chapters. The Department of Natural Resources shall maintain the confidentiality that the Department of Revenue is required to extend to the returns, reports, documents, determinations, and workpapers furnished to the Department of Natural Resources under this subsection.
       (i) The commissioner shall, upon request, furnish to the Department of Environmental Conservation or the Department of Fish and Game all names and addresses of businesses that are required to file confidential reports under AS 43.75.015. The Department of Environmental Conservation and the Department of Fish and Game shall maintain the confidentiality that the Department of Revenue is required to extend to the names and addresses furnished under this subsection.
       (j) The name of each person claiming a credit and the amount of credit received for each gas storage facility by that person under AS 43.20.046 is public information. The commissioner shall furnish the information to the Regulatory Commission of Alaska on request.
       (k) The name of each person that the department has allowed to make an election under AS 43.55.014(a) and the amount of gas produced from each lease or property to which an effective election under AS 43.55.014 applies is public information.
       (l) [Effective January 1, 2017]. =ro For tax credit certificates purchased by the department in the preceding calendar year under AS 43.55.028, the department shall make the following information public by April 30 of each year:
            (1) the name of each person from which the department purchased a transferable tax credit certificate; and
            (2) the aggregate amount of the tax credit certificates purchased from the person in the preceding calendar year.




Recent Bills that will modify this

Implemented As

11 AAC 86.776
15 AAC 05.250

15 AAC 116.630
AS 38.05.036 Audit of royalty and net profit payments and costs.
AS 40.25.100 Disposition of tax information.
AS 40.25.105 Disclosure of information for compliance with the tobacco product Master Settlement Agreement.
AS 43.05.025 Audit agents.
AS 43.20.049 Qualified oil and gas service industry expenditure credit.
AS 43.20.190 Publicity. [Repealed, Sec. 3 ch 166 SLA 1976. For law on
AS 43.31.081 Information confidential. [Repealed, Sec. 3 ch 166 SLA 1976.
AS 43.50.150 Administration and regulatory authority; cooperation with municipalities.
AS 43.52.080 Administration of tax and sharing of information with municipalities.
AS 43.55.025 Alternative tax credit for oil and gas exploration.
AS 43.55.040 Powers of Department of Revenue.
AS 43.55.890 Disclosure of tax information.
AS 43.98.060 Information to be provided to board.

(Sec. 2 ch 166 SLA 1976; am Sec. 32 ch 126 SLA 1977; am Sec. 5 ch 61 SLA 1980; am Sec. 2, 3 ch 113 SLA 1980; am E.O. No. 68, Sec. 3 (1988); am Sec. 9 ch 101 SLA 1989; am Sec. 9 ch 108 SLA 1996; am Sec. 3 ch 37 SLA 1998; am Sec. 7 ch 92 SLA 2003; am Sec. 63 ch 163 SLA 2004; am Sec. 2 ch 2 TSSLA 2006; am Sec. 12, 13 ch 1 SSSLA 2007; am Sec. 11 ch 16 SLA 2010; am Sec. 42 ch 14 SLA 2014; am Sec. 1 ch 37 SLA 2015; am E.O. No. 118, Sec. 3 (2016); am Sec. 9 ch 4 4SSLA 2016)
