Section 43.90.250. Alaska Gasline Inducement Act coordinator.  

Latest version.
  •    (a) There is created in the Office of the Governor the position of Alaska Gasline Inducement Act coordinator. Administrative support for the position shall be provided by the Office of the Governor. The position shall continue until one year after commencement of commercial operations of the project.
       (b) The governor shall appoint a person to the position of Alaska Gasline Inducement Act coordinator. The individual serving as the Alaska Gasline Inducement Act coordinator may be removed from the position at the discretion of the governor.





AS 31.25.090 Confidentiality; interagency cooperation.
AS 39.25.110 Exempt service.
AS 43.90.110 Natural gas pipeline project construction inducement.
AS 43.90.900 Definitions.

(Sec. 1 ch 22 SLA 2007)