Section 44.62.280. Purpose of AS 44.62.180 - 44.62.290.  

Latest version.
  • It is the purpose of AS 44.62.180 - 44.62.290 to establish basic minimum procedural requirements for the adoption, amendment, or repeal of administrative regulations.  Except as provided in AS 44.62.250, AS 44.62.180 - 44.62.290 apply to the exercise of quasi-legislative power conferred by a statute, but nothing in AS 44.62.180 - 44.62.290 repeals or diminishes additional requirements imposed by the statute.  AS 44.62.180 - 44.62.290 are not superseded or modified by subsequent legislation except to the extent that the legislation does so expressly.





(Sec. 1 art IV (ch 1) ch 143 SLA 1959)