Section 44.88.215. Confidentiality of records and information.  

Latest version.
  •    (a) In order to promote the purposes of this chapter, unless the records or information were a matter of public record before submittal to the authority, the following records and information shall be kept confidential if the person supplying the records or information or the project, bond, loan, or guarantee applicant or borrower requests confidentiality and makes an adequate showing to the executive director of the authority that the records or information are
            (1) income tax returns;
            (2) financial statements, profit-and-loss statements, and cash flow projections, except the information required by the authority to calculate debt service coverage on the loan;
            (3) financial business plans;
            (4) credit reports from consumer reporting agencies and other credit information obtained from banks, creditors, or other credit reporting entities;
            (5) trade secrets, including confidential proprietary information and confidential information about products, pricing, or manufacturing or business processes;
            (6) appraisals, except the name of the appraiser, the date of the appraisal, and the fair market value determined for the property appraised;
            (7) market surveys and marketing strategy information; or
            (8) any information required to be kept confidential by a federal law or regulation or by state law.
       (b) Information compiled by the authority from information described in (a) of this section shall be kept confidential unless disclosure is authorized by the person supplying the information and by the project, bond, loan, or guarantee applicant or borrower.
       (c) The records and information that the executive director of the authority determines to be confidential under (a) or (b) of this section are not public records under AS 40.25.110 - 40.25.220.
       (d) Nothing in this section shall prevent a legislator from reviewing information otherwise confidential under this section if the legislator has a valid legislative purpose for reviewing the information and if the legislator agrees to maintain the confidentiality of the information.



3 AAC 100.670
3 AAC 100.680

(Sec. 8 ch 109 SLA 1998; am Sec. 5, 6 ch 71 SLA 2010)