Section 45.50.232. Reporting of lost logs to the department.  

Latest version.
  • The owner or rightful transporter of timber property not in the possession or control of the owner or transporter, which has become adrift in the waters of the state, stranded on the beaches, marshes, tideland, or shoreland of the water of the state, or partially or wholly submerged in the water of the state, shall report the loss of the timber property within 15 days from the time the loss is discovered to the department, indicating the probable date lost, the place lost, if known, the probable area of recovery, and any other information that the department may require. Unless the time for recovery is extended under AS 45.50.237, the rightful transporter or owner of timber property has 90 days from the date the loss is reported to recover the timber property. After 90 days from the date of reporting or upon the expiration of any extension granted under AS 45.50.237, the timber property is considered to be abandoned, notice is not required to be published under AS 45.50.234, and the timber property is presumed to be the property of the state.





11 AAC 71.910
AS 45.50.230 Presumption from display.
AS 45.50.234 Publication of notice of intent to claim abandoned property.
AS 45.50.235 Ownership of unbranded and abandoned timber property.
AS 45.50.237 Extension of period for recovery of timber property.

(Sec. 2 ch 232 SLA 1976)