Section 46.15.160. Transfer and change of appropriations.  

Latest version.
  •    (a) The right to use water under an appropriation or permit shall be appurtenant to the land or place where it has been or is to be beneficially used, provided, that water supplied by one person to another person's property is not appurtenant to the property unless the parties so intend.  An appurtenant water right shall pass with a conveyance of the land, or transfer, or by operation of law unless specifically exempted from the conveyance.
       (b) With the permission of the commissioner, all or any part of an appropriation may be severed from the land to which it is appurtenant, may be sold, leased or transferred for other purposes or to other land and be made appurtenant to other land. A permit or certificate or a deed, lease, contract, assignment of permit or other instrument transferring an appropriation must be filed in the office of the commissioner and a certified copy of the instrument must be recorded in the recorder's office of the recording district in which the appropriation is located.




Implemented As

11 AAC 93.930
11 AAC 93.940
11 AAC 93.950

11 AAC 93.970
AS 46.15.170 Effect of recording.

(Sec. 1 ch 50 SLA 1966)